Dance Dance

So, this Sunday night I spent 5 hours in cloud nine watching kids dance. And filming them. While I now have a cramp from perching on a stool and craning my neck over a camera all night, it was worth it… because we got enough DVD orders to make $1,800 dollars!! The show was actually pretty entertaining too. As soon as the tiny toddlers in tutus tiptoed out on the stage, I was riveted. They were so cute!! And there were some pretty cool numbers from older dancers too. My favorite number was two girls in black body suits with faces attached to the back of their heads. Their precise synchronized movements were captivating. At one point they flipped each other over sideways three times in a row. It was incredible. I was jealous. The big numbers with like 30 dancers perfectly in sync were pretty sick too. All in all, good show and well worth filming. 

1 comment for “Dance Dance

  1. Shaw
    May 24, 2010 at 7:39 AM

    Glad you enjoyed it. Now to get it edited and on DVD.

    And how goes the doc progress?