ITube, YouTube, WeAllTube

‘Sup blag. Just checking in, seeing how you’re doing, and bringing the news… of YouTube. Yeah, that’s right, the amazing Google-owned and operated video sharing is amazing. However, there are a few things you need to know.

1. It’s really easy to use. That’s right, if you can browse the Internet, record a film, and transfer it to your computer, then you can post on YouTube. So that’s just something to keep in mind- it’s really easy to use, so you’re going to want to upload a bunch of videos. Don’t. Nobody wants to see your stupid videos, and they’re going to let you know, in no uncertain terms.

2. Any video format goes. Literally. Do you know what an .MKV format is? Me either. Apparently, it’s a Russian video format (Матрёшка) that is used for storing an unlimited amount of video and audio- multiple files. And YouTube accepts it, as long as it is under 2 gigs and 10 minutes. (Unless you’re using their “paid developer subscriber super plus whatever” program, and then the limit is whatever the heck you want it to be.) They even give support for cell-phone to YouTube direct links. Amazing.

3. HD. Not Highly Delicious, it’s High Definition. And it’s amazing. YouTube supports up to 1080P high definition. (Not that much different, but it’s a heck of a step up from what used to be available.)

YouTube has improved so much. It’s crazy. It’s insane. AND IT’S %$#@ING BLOCKED AT SCHOOL!!!!!

2 comments for “ITube, YouTube, WeAllTube

  1. Spencer Isaac Roberts
    May 19, 2010 at 3:46 PM

    Youtube's five year anniversary was celebrated just two days ago.

  2. Shaw
    May 24, 2010 at 7:38 AM

    How does this information apply to class and the videos you are currently working on?