District 9.

Ok, so when I first heard of this movie I wasn’t that impressed by the story line at all. My first impressions were not that great and I wasn’t that pumped about District 9. I generally speaking dislike movies that are in a documentary style, first person, or journal style. One example that defends my hatred for first person is Cloverfield. I was at first still disinterested when I started to watch the movie. I started growing on the style of the movie and as it continued on I became more and more interested in the plot and characters of the movie. I don’t know who this actor was, but I am very impressed with his acting skills for his roll.
The plot is very impressive. The movie is about a man named Wikus who was recently put in charge of evicting the Aliens that have landed and started to live on this planet. As he continues to try and evict them the Prawns( what they call the Aliens) start to show intelligence beyond what the humans originally believed. As the movie continues on Wikus gets hurt and becomes infected. Slowly he starts turning into a Prawn. Eventually it becomes evident to the government and they start to use him for alternative means. The movie continues on about how Wikus has to try and become normal, as he starts to become allies with the Prawns.
Overall this movie impressed me greatly. The Prawns were amazing, and they made a lot of sense. The cinematography was amazing as well and I really enjoyed how real the camera angles made the characters seem. I was curious most of the way though the movie about how the plot would end and the characters were very real to me. I enjoyed this movie to a great extent! It was really awesome! I would probably give this movie 16 points overall.

* Grace points are how many cookies I would give the director/people in the film. If I liked the movie a lot, they get a lot of cookies, but if I don’t like it, then they might very little cookies, or I might even steal cookies from them (as in negative points).

2 comments for “District 9.

  1. Hydraliski
    May 30, 2010 at 10:06 AM

    I think your ratings system would function a lot better if you provided some sort of reference for your "points". Such as a maximum.

    And don't talk crap about Cloverfield.

  2. Grace
    June 2, 2010 at 10:18 AM

    Cloverfield was a CRAP MOVIE.