Cyberlink PowerDirector 8 Review

In a world of consumption of technology for personal needs and wants, a self editing software with easy use is a valuable commodity.  But now a days such a piece of technology is expensive and sometimes unreliable.  Enter the Cyberlink Power Director 8, a new piece of editing software that is great for personal small films.  

The product comes in two forms, Deluxe for $70 and Ultra for $100.  The main difference between that two is that Ultra has more exporting features such as HD or BlueRay.  Depending on your intentions, this could be a critical aspect, but to some it might be a waste of money.
The genius of this software really comes through in the user interface.  It is really good at “get up and go” editing.  This is where it could apply well to the video production class.  Aspiring students might get into producing small films and expressing themselves on a smaller plain.  This might make the use of Final Cut Pro and other softwares that are more in depth easier.  This could allow students to do more than in the past.
All in All I give this product 3 out of 5 stars for it’s user interface.

1 comment for “Cyberlink PowerDirector 8 Review

  1. Shaw
    June 10, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    I have used an older version of this product and it absolutely sucked.