Toy Story Review

Going through the garage the other day for items to be placed in our yard sale, I stumbled upon a box of Disney movies that had once enveloped my life.  About two thirds of the way down in the box I found what I saw as Disney’s magum opus of animated movies back then… Toy Story.  I was excited to see a movie for the first time in like ten years that at one point I had watched every day for a year or two.  It was almost like seeing a long lost friend and I was overcome with joy.  I quickly left my mom in our jungle of a garage to fend for herself, so I could watch it.

The timeless tale of two heroes of completely different backgrounds, banding together to lead a group of misfit toys is still hilarious and heartwarming.  The animations are spectacular (most notably the army men sequences), and songs like “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” make the soundtrack lovable.  
The one thing that plagues this movie from adult audiences is the “sillyness” due to it being a children’s film, but this shouldn’t be condemned.  It is a good thing to experience childhood every now and then through movies, it’s what keeps “the kid is us” satisfied.  Not to mention the movie is filled with life lessons and a strong gesture at good morals that would help any age group make positive decisions in their life.
All in all this movie is a definite watch for everyone.  If you haven’t seen it, than do so and find the joy that so many have found.  If you have seen it, see it again, and remember that joy you originally found.  Movies strive to captivate audience in their own ways, and Toy Story does this with some good ole’ fashioned imagination.

1 comment for “Toy Story Review

  1. Shaw
    June 10, 2010 at 11:20 AM

    Great review!!!!!!!!!!!!