How to Create a Viral Video

Author: Mike Rosen-Molina Date Published: January 2013


Haven’t you always wanted to be famous? Well creating a viral video is one of the closest and easiest ways to become “internet famous.” A viral video is a video that has been viewed by a massive number of people in a short amount of time. These tips can help make your video as popular as possible.

Keep Things Simpler- The goal of creating a viral video is to make your audience want to share and show off your video to their friends and families. No one wants to watch a video that is overly complicated or that runs for 10 plus minutes. Make sure your video is short and to the point.

Add Music- What person doesn’t love a little music? Really, I can’t think of a single person I know that doesn’t enjoy at least SOME type of music. Add a catchy beat to your video, even if it is something completely repetitive and annoying. This will make the audience remember your video for at least the music and possibly look it up again and again.

Be Funny- Nothing gets people to look at your video more than if it has some comedy aspect in it. If you are not a witty or clever person, then maybe add some dry humor or physical comedy to it! Everyone loves to laugh, and if you get your audience to LOL then you are in good shape.

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