Back to the Basics

Author: Kyle Cassidy Date Published: July 2012


Before you can get into anything else involving filming with a camera, you must first learn the basic type of shots. There is an infinite number of possible camera angles you can film from, but some should be saved for more advanced film directors. This article was about the basics.

Shots you can do when the camera is moving are as follows: Pan- the camera stays in one spot while the lens moves left or right. Tilt- the same as “pan” but up and down. Tilt up to the sky tilt down to the ground.

Shots you can do when the operator is the one that is moving: Truck- moving the whole camera mount from left to right or from right to left. Dolly- moving the camera closer to or away from the subject.

This shots are very basic and can be mastered quite easily by newcomer film directors.

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