Day: March 28, 2014

Week 5 Progress

This week I wrote a script about what tempts us in life and what consequences follow when we fall to these desires to sin. One of the more mysterious/suspenseful pieces I have written. I will film it once I rewrite it, which will be soon. The story has a powerful message and will leave audiences wondering after they see it. In fact, I’m not sure if people will understand it the first time they see it. I will admit that there are a lot of religious themes that filter through this story. Reminds me a little bit of an M. Night Shyamalan film.

Week 4 Progress

This week I filmed a basketball game between the faculty and students here at Winthrop. Surprisingly that was the first full basketball game that I have ever filmed. I found it easier to film compared to other sporting events I’ve had to film. Focusing on the action was simple because all I had to do was watch where the ball went, opposed to filming a 1 by 3 inch black puck! It was fun to film and fun to watch.


Apple Mac Pro Review

Adam Vesely
I learned that the Mac Pro is amazing because Its really light and its not that bulky and you could tale it home or any place you need because there so light and you don’t have to bring a big hard drive around to edit and you can use new cameras and Its even wireless.322-C5-Mac-ProSECONDARY

“Our test unit came nearly fully loaded with an 8-core Intel Xeon E5 processor, 64GB of memory, Dual AMD FirePro D700 graphics cards with 6GB of VRAM each and a 1TB PCIe-based SSD. If the previously listed specs weren’t enough to blow your mind, then imagine all of this computing power squeezed into a cylindrical aluminum enclosure that is 6.6-inches in diameter, 9.9-inches high and weighs 11lb.”322-C5-Mac-Pro-PRIMARY

Week 3 Progress

After watching the film El Mariachi, I learned a good bit about true gritty independent film making. Robert Rodriguez is a true master of his art. He managed to stretch his dollar extremely well, the stunts, the gun fights, the blood all done very well for a very low budget. This has taught me how to stretch my dollar when it comes to making films. I will use the knowledge that I gained from this film in future projects.

Week 1 Progress

Wrapping out of the first semester I have many projects that I helped film. The one I spent the most time doing would probably have to be the district promo video. I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out in the end, but with the superintendent’s approval, I’m confident in the quality of the piece. It was a lot of fun to film and I am looking forward to more projects like it.

Week 6

As of yesterday Drew and I have finished a script that we are now going to shoot and edit. The story is about a crime that takes place and the three perspectives of the people involved. I will have it filmed by the end of this weekend and edited by the time grades close. With Drew and I both editing this it should be done rather quickly.



shutterstock_126010511Making a video/movie is always people thinking about the tech and all the new gadgets and programs to make them the beautiful masterpiece people want, but the thing is that you could have all the best equipment but if your wardrobe and makeup isn’t up to par then you will definitely have visual problems.

Wardrobe- Avoid all extremes. Harsh contrasts in tone, sparkly attire like jewelry can wreak havoc on video camera sensors even if you do have one of the newer type of cameras. It will result in harsh rendering, wobbly lines, and glare. That is also known as the Moire effect. Dress slim, because people always say how the camera adds ten pounds, so dress flatter than your actors figures, but make sure it still works for their character. Stick with solid colors like pastels, neutrals, greens, and blues. Colors like orange and red might make it look like the actors are glowing. Also be careful with using white as it might work negatively with the camera

Makeup- Go for a natural look, a whole lot of makeup is for the theatrical productions, so leave it there. Both men and women should even out their skin tone while also not making them look washed-out on film. Remember to powder because just at least one small dab can make a huge difference on camera. Keep hair under control. Men should shave to avoid having five o’clock shadow, and women and men with long hair need to pull it back into a ponytail if it works for the character. Everyone should use hairspray to tame any loose hairs.

What to do when you are not sure-  There are always people to hire to get opinion on the whole wardrobe and makeup you have going on or even people just to do it themselves so you don’t have to deal with it. Even if you don’t have the money to hire anyone, just make a good decision and test everything on camera before shooting for real.

All in all video production is truly the sum of all its parts and wardrobe and makeup is one of those elements that when done right, it can make your final work look like the masterpiece you want it to be.

Picture rights-

Bouwer, Bree. “How to Successfully Utilize Wardrobe and Makeup in Your Production.” Videomakers, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <>