The Sound of Music

Before I started watching The Sound of Music, I was thinking back on all the times I’ve watched it before. I honestly could not think of why this movie won an award for editing.

Yes there would have been many times the editor, William Rynolds would have had to make sure the audio and video were matched up, but other than that I couldn’t find or think of why this movie would win an award for editing. Of course this movie was filmed in 1965 (or thats when it won the award) and that editing would have been much harder than it would be now. There aren’t any significant parts in the movie that jumped out to me that would want me to give it an award for editing.

There were a couple of parts that I think would have taken green screen (if it was invented back then) or just really good positioning of the camera.

I personally love The Sound of Music, but I feel like it shouldn’t have won an award for best editing.

-Randi 🙂

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