Shooting Extreme Video for Profit

Shooting Extreme Video for Profit by H.Wolfgang Porter and Jackson Wong

This article taught me a few things on how to film an action scene and also how to sell it properly and gather a profit off of the video. Using the right equipment to film is a definite must because if you don’t it could prove catastrophic for the Filmer by getting in the way or you could get a very bad film. Go-Pros are used by many action movement filmers because it is covered in a plastic casing and has good quality picture, along with the fact that it can attach to helmets and other objects. Before you go out and film , make sure you have an insurance policy for both yourself and the camera because it could always go terribly wrong and someone or something could get hurt and the policy will allow you to pay for it. This taught me how to be safe and how to know the difference between my products of filming. I could use this information when filming my action piece so that is will come of good and not be a hassle.

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