Chris Balcer Says: TV Is Dead!

Hey, all. I’ve been saying it for quite a while, and now it’s being confirmed– traditional TV and video as we know it is dead. Quite a few factors are contributing to its demise.

The first would be an end to filming standards. There are at least four video quality ratios on YouTube alone, and there are a slew of other formats. The only standard is the one that the cameraman chooses. Another factor is 3D, one of big video’s main gimmicks. Avatar… or Avatar in 3D? Unfortunately, it is referred to as the “flying car” or “jetpack” of the movie industry- cool concept, but nobody cares.

There is also the rapid evolution of bigger and better aspect ratio available at home, and cameras are getting cheaper and easier to use. Any idiot can buy a good video camera and make a crappy movie in 1080p with 60 frames per second. Editing is also going to get easier, and anybody is going to be able to do it relatively well. Distribution is already a large factor in killing traditional movies- why pay ten dollars to see it in theaters, or twenty to buy a DVD that’s incompatible with your system and you’re only going to watch once, when you can pirate it for free? Why pay $100 for a thousand cable channels you don’t watch when you can just watch it on Hulu? TV is dead. Dump your stocks and accelerate the process. Please.

1 comment for “Chris Balcer Says: TV Is Dead!

  1. Shaw
    May 13, 2010 at 11:48 AM

    I find it interesting how many 3D movies are out in theaters now or will be this fall. It's not like it is a new concept or technology.

    Also, please remember to make a connection to what you are working on in class or how you could use the info in the future.