Day: April 15, 2010

Planning for the End

As we will all find ourselves in this class, we draft an idea, make a story board, create a music list and find a cast for a video we decide to create. However in the third installation of “Edit The Plan“, we are presented with the always annoying problem of not having it come out the way you had hoped.

In major motion pictures the hope of having an editor on set while shooting to get the needed shots for he/she t work with while making the final cut is not always the situation. It is also similar to many students here who have little experience and find ourselves coming up way short of our expectations of the soon-to-be greatest video production movie ever!

In saying, this little piece of writing tells each of us to be flexible and work with what we receive. Each of us directors will find a time and we have to work through our mistakes and we will be able to possibly make a piece which makes the planned shoot look bestial in comparison. I end by quoting the article in saying “This is the real-world situation we’ll talk about…” and you must plan for the unexpected!

Nikon D3S Review… Article?

wWhen I saw the article “Nikon D3S DSLR Reviewed”, I was really excited because being a Nikon fan, it showed that they had come out with a new camera that takes magnificent still photos, but also HD camera capability. The article talks about how the set up for the D3S is identical to the D3, but there are a few additional buttons. Personally I prefer the set up Nikon has for many of their cameras better than the set up that other camera companies have such a Canon. The set up is very ideal for both still photos and video. One key thing that is really ideal that the D3S has is the horizontal grip, and the additional buttons the camera has. This allows photographers to hold the camera vertical, and hold the camera as if it were horizontal which is very very good for stability. The D3S is a professional camera that most people might not understand unless they understand such things as aperture and shutter speed. The camera is very good for still photos, having a megapixel of 12.5 allows the resolution to be very good. The camera also allows night video shoots with the extremely high ISO that the camera has. The camera can go to an ISO of 102,400 which is EXTREMELY high where my Nikon D40 only goes to 1,600. So comparing the two cameras the ISO is very high and allows more photography and video in darker lighting. The camera while it is a still photo camera, also allows the video portion of it to have additional sound functions which is very handy. On top of that the seal over the plug-ins are waterproof which allows people to relax a bit when there is a camera in the rain. The camera is very big, which is slightly annoying but a very good camera can weigh a lot. Only professionals would want this camera, or someone training to be a professional. It would just be ridiculous for people who don’t know the technical aspect of photography, or are not trying to learn photography to have this camera.

How to Buy Gear (And Not Regret It)

This article is all about how to make an informed decision when you are going to buy new equipment for making videos, I.E. cameras, mics and editing systems.

  • Research is the biggest thing you can do, it will help you find the best reviewed and prices.
  • When you might find what you are looking for the seller that you are buying it from might not be legitimate, find info on the seller.
  • A cheap buy might not be the best buy. Some of cheap sellers might sell overseas and that will make it so that you don’t have a U.S. warranty. Others might not give you all of the equipment. Read the Fine print.
  • Buy what is needed. Do you really need all that extra stuff for one shot, no. Don’t go overboard with what you are buying.
  • Buying used is always a good idea. It will be cheaper and might still be in good condition. Just buy from someone that you know didn’t break anything on what you are buying.
  • Wait a little while, don’t go rushing into the buy, if you wait you might find a better deal or a better product that is suited for you.
  • Be informed and have a little lea way with your spending money.

This article was good because it shows what it takes to find the equipment that you want and to not regret buying it. So the next time the video class needs to buy something new that is what you should take into account.
