A good one to watch

Hey guys, Fishfactor Flex here with another movie breakdown. So I recently went to the theaters and saw a movie called Shutter Island. Now this is not a kiddie movie, it’s rated “R” for a reason. It’s spooky, clever, and all around just fantastic. It’s about a detective named Teddy played by Leonardo Dicaprio. Teddy and his partner go to Shutter Island, an island home to an insane asylum. They are supposed to find out what happened to a patient, where she went and how she did it. Problem is, as Teddy finds out more and more about the island, his own dark past begins to creep up on him. Things start to go crazy, he imagines people who aren’t there and has trouble trusting his own partner. But the best thing about this movie is without a doubt the ending. It will keep you guessing and guessing until your so sick of it that you’ll just have to accept what you saw. Believe me when I saw this guys, but it was that good. If you are going to the movie in the next few weeks and a re over 17 I would definitely go check it out. I’d give it  solid 4.5 out of 5. Another great one from the director of The Departed. 

1 comment for “A good one to watch

  1. Shaw
    March 22, 2010 at 12:34 PM

    You have good voice in your writing, but try using paragraphs, a pic of the movie poster that links to the movie site, make actor and movie names links to more info about them, and other things like that.

    Sounds like a good movie. I have been wanting to see this since it was advertised last fall before they pushed the premiere date back to this spring.