Day: March 23, 2010

Anna’s Weekly Update.

So here’s the standard weekly update. I also want to try to do a review every week… so I’ll get to that later this week. When I don’t have a chem quiz and an english quiz tomorrow. 😀 

Anyway… I already made a list of what I’m working on in an earlier post… but here’s the update: Letters and Cabaret DVDs are in the works!! Letters is actually basically done… just waiting on the slideshow… which I really want to do!! And I will have it done by Friday. But if you guys need it earlier someone else can step in and I can just help when I have time… I know a lot of people are waiting for their orders!! Yeaaah money makkerrr… haha. 
And I’m also helping edit Cabaret. I got 3 different angles lined up today… which took forever!! Then I spent a couple minutes editing Easton’s song… only to find out that we still have to put in the angle that shows his hands. But hopefully we can still use most of what I did. So it’s completely fine, and now everything is lined up so the rest of the editing should be pretty easy! Although I think I left out one or two angles from the second night… there was so much footage! 
And we got internet for all our computers!! Yeah tech guy!! And something’s going on with a hard drive? Yeah I’m definitely not a tech person at all. I can do the basic editing stuff and make it look good but as far as actual computer things like hard drives and megabytes and just technology in general… not so much… 
Perfect example of my lack of tech skills: Spencer re-saved all the Putt Putt stuff when we got the new hard drive and I have no idea where it is. I just click on the shortcut, do my thing, and save it to wherever it is. Oh yeah, speaking of Putt Putt, Evan and I got all the b-roll for when Allen talks about Winthrop. I feel like it will come together when I have some time to just sit down and work on it after school. But between sports and theater and this annoying thing called other classes… I don’t have enough time!! I wish I could just sit in that room and edit things all day. But I would like to go to college. So… yeah. 
It’s all good. 

Beginning.. and found inspiration

Last week, Anna and I began putting raw footage to the music to see roughly what it will look like. When the weather cooperates, we will continue to shoot happy scenes of “The Good Life” because a rain storm doesn’t showcase a “Good Life.”  Anna also put together a scene with the mantel/moving picture and it looks really cool!

We also found some inspiration at the One Act Festival for our stop motion video. One play had a screen with stop motion that was really separated. The motions were really blocky and it looked really cool. Anna and I thought about making our music video similar to this one, because the look was interesting.