Filming/Shooting in Public.

Stumbling upon the internet I found an article that talked about photography. Yes yes I know this a video blog but I also found the article very interesting as well as it connects to video. The topic is taking pictures in public places. Which connects to video taping in public. The article talks about how in the past we were able to take pictures of children and people without having to deal with asking parents permission, and having the rights to taking pictures of people without protest. Today we have to deal with asking the person for permission, and if the person is underage then we have to ask the parent or guardian for permission to photograph of video tape their child. And I haven’t even started to talk about how the article states that public places are starting to ban people from taking pictures. Even though a person can be in a “public” park photographers have been approached by law officials and asked to delete the picture that they just took. Photographers do not have to do this, but it can cause more conflict and law officials can confiscate the camera that the photographer is using. Which as a photographer myself I find it completely appaling that we can not take pictures of common life in public places. Are they going to start to tell tourists that they can’t take pictures of them in front of monuments because there are other people in the pictures as well?
There was not a problem in the past, so why is it a big problem now? Do people really care that much if there is a photograph like this ==========>
Because we don’t have the permission of all the people in the photograph to take their picture.
How do you feel about this? I honestly feel like it is appalling.

– Grace

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