Day: December 26, 2010

Submarine Report!

Hello there! This is Spencer, writing to you from my submarine! AKA the basement room which is now the room I sleep in at my father’s house. I’m writing to tell you a couple of things. One, I’m sorry there haven’t been anymore updates from NESCom, I’m going to try and get one out soon. Two, to all the new video students coming in and all the old ones still chugging away, keep at it! I’m glad to see all the new content coming out of Rambler Productions.

I would like to remind everyone to invite their Facebook friends to the Rambler Productions Facebook group. I would also like to recommend NESCom to any student interested in a career centered around video, audio, journalism, web design or advertising. It’s a really great place and you can learn a lot. If anyone has questions about the school, email me at [email protected] or send me a message on Facebook.

I will hopefully be dropping by the school while it is in session before I have to head back to NESCom. Looking forward to seeing everyone!