Avatar is an incredible movie. I don’t even know where to begin. I loved Titanic, but James Cameron has outdone himself to the highest degree possible. I loved everything about his latest movie. 

The animation technology he used was amazing. Just watching a behind the scenes video was sweet- the actors were all wired up and covered up with green dots and as they ran and jumped around their actions were instantly animated. The director had a screen he could hold up that would show him exactly what the scene would look like, scenery and everything. 

Speaking of which, the world of Pandora that Cameron created was beautiful, and even better in 3D. I felt like I was there in the jungle- the ferns were right in front of me, water droplets were hitting my face. 
And behind all the amazing effects, Cameron still managed a decent story line. Some movies just rely on cool effects and action sequences with no plot. Avatar had a good plot, although I’m not too hard to please in that area. But I liked the characters, I cared about what happened to them. There was even a little romance, which I’m a huge cheeseball for. 
And then there’s the whole political message. White Americans doing their thing, taking over another country for their resources, consumed by their greed, not caring what happened to the people. Not like we’ve ever seen that before in history or anything…  It was a basic, slightly predictable plot, but still enjoyable. 
Everyone should see this movie. If nothing else, for the top of the line effects. No one has ever made a movie quite like Avatar before. James Cameron knows what he’s doing. 

3 comments for “JAMES CAMERON IS A GOD.

  1. SIR Isaac Stix
    January 14, 2010 at 5:45 PM

    I might get to see it in IMAX this Saturday. maybe. Super excited. Definitely worth seeing twice.

  2. annerr
    January 18, 2010 at 5:00 PM

    definitely worth seeing 10 million times! haha

  3. samstar
    January 19, 2010 at 10:06 PM

    I've seen it in Imax twice now – life-changing.