Putt Putt Progress

This week I continued to work on the doc for The Putt Putt Syndrome. I discovered that we have at least until February to finish it so now I can stop stressing out as much. But it still needs to get done. It’s coming together… I want some fresh eyes (Shaw and Spencer) to look at it and give me some input because i want it to be good. I interviewed Evan and Spencer to get the student perspective… still have to interview Shaw, Grace, Lindsay, Alison, Dalton… possibly some others… so much footage that I don’t know what to do with… still trying to figure out the exact angle… good stuff. 

1 comment for “Putt Putt Progress

  1. SIR Isaac Stix
    December 16, 2009 at 8:12 PM

    I will look it over extensively and help you out once vacation is over. Until then I have to finish Beauty and the Beast and Mechuwana. Keep up the good work!