Mobile Apps for Video Producers: Montaj, Lapse It, Pinnacle Studio for iPad and Movie Slate, Videomaker article

The issue for the article I’m doing a review on is the March 2014 issue of Videomaker magazine.  The article was written by Chuck Peters.

In this article it talks about the different apps you can now get to make videos.  They’re all different from each other, because they each do different things. Some of the apps it talks about are ones such as, Lapse it.  This app allows you to make a time lapse video where it takes different shots over periods of time and then puts it into a cool video.  Another one of the apps it talked about was Montaj.  In this app you can take multiple 5 second shots and then add music to make a music video, there is also the option of different colored filters, etc.  There was a couple more apps that were for video in which they help you find your footage easily without having to search for a long time.Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 9.27.28 AM

Another one is really good for editing.  I learned from this article that it’s easy to get apps for video making and what some helpful ones are.  I can apply what I learned from this to class by, if I were to get any of these apps I could use them as practice before doing projects.
Here is the link to this article:

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