Bad Video Editing Habits


After everybody’s favorite part of video class, the filming, comes the what seems to always take much longer then necessary video editing portion of the class. Even though good and bad video editing techniques is matter of opinion in the grand scheme of things, there are still several common mistakes people tend to make while editing their films.

The most common bad video editing technique would be “Winging It”. This is when someone jumps head first into the video editing portion without a real set plan on what they are going to cut out or add to their finished product.

Ignoring audio is another common mistake editors tend to do. Audio is just as important if not more important than the visual quality of the video being produced. Desyncing the audio to the film is easy to do if you’re not paying close attention and that can make your video turn out mediocre.

Finally stealing ideas can be a big problem without a person even realizing it. We all tend to want to emulate the great films/videos we see other students or film makers produce, but true originality is what gets a good grade. As well as avoiding a potential copyright infringement claim.

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10 Bad Video Editing Habits to Give Up. Chris “Ace” Gates. December 13, 2013. <>

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