How To Make a Storyboard!

How to Make a Storyboard by Jennifer Albright, August 2012

This article talks about many different ways to draw out your plans before you start filming. I talks about different shots from extreme close-ups all the way to long shots. This article tells us that you don’t have to be the best artist in the world to have a good storyboard, you could even use stick figures. On the storyboard, say the article, you should show the direction objects in the scene are moving and also if the camera is tilting, panning or zoom.We are reminded to not break the 180 degree rule. if you break this rule it can confuse people watching because it will make it look like two people are sitting on the same side of the table or area when they are really sitting across from each other. Storyboards can change a filming mess into a well choreographed film. I will use the ideas from this article to help improve my storyboards and keep filming according to my storyboard. This will help me when I am filming in many ways.

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