Category: Videomaker Article


The article I previously read was about a stabilizer that can change your shaky and hard to watch footage into smooth, and professional footage

I learned that there a stabilizer that you can hold and still get great footage

This stabilizer would definitely help our class with getting great footage in spots where a tripod couldn’t go


Adobe After Effects

In the article I recently read it give easy steps on how to use Adobe After Effects.  Adobe After Effects is a editing program in which you use to add effects to the film that has recently been filmed. It is used to produce motion graphics.

In the tutorial, it talks about 12 basic steps you need to take to be able to make a special effect of some sort in your movie. With this editing program you’re able to produce a great piece of work without having to edit each object. Say

you have a flock of birds. In other editing softwares you would need to animate each bird but with Adobe you only have to animate one to make it work.

This is a great software to use, it was very easy to learn and works great. I suggest this software to other people trying to animate things. I have had the opportunity to use Adobe and it was very easy to get used to.


Camera Shots

In the article I read, I read about the types of shots that make viewers very interested in the movie, or show.  There are many different types of shots that you can make with a camera. High, low, medium shots, close-ups, and many others. Very interesting shots to me were the high angle shots. Even though high angle shots may be hard to accomplish, it looks great in a movie and shows a different perspective on things. This is because we are so used to seeing the world from 5-6 feet off the ground. Around eye-level. But with shooting high shots or low shots this makes things look interesting and tells a better story. To achieve this people may use ladders, trees, and cranes or booms. The best way to achieve this great shot is through using a crane or boom. Booms allow you to move the camera from high elevations to low elevations to get a great establishing shot or in other cases follow a car from a high elevation and by the time the car stops the camera would be at the same height as the car.

Low shots were quite common a long time ago but were hard to achieve. No a days there are special cameras to get those great low shots that you have always been wanting to get.  Low shots while moving may be hard to get. So that is why cameraman come up with great ideas on how to move the camera while shooting videos. For example, in the musical Royal Wedding, They mount a camera to the floor of a rotating set so that it made it seem like the actor was running up and down walls.

To get sideways shots you can put your camera on a dolly then set it on something just like train tracks and it follows it in a very calm, fluent motion without rattling.

Camera angles determine the movie and the mood of the movie. Movies are made up of many camera angles. When you put all these shots together you make a movie. All these shots make a movie great. The high and low shots usually are used as an entrance or ending but can be used at anytime. These shots give a great perspective on what is going on at the time and establishes the movie. This article was a great help in explaining the use of dolly’s, and cranes. Also gives me a new perspective on what the different heights of shots have on the product and the establishing of a movie.


Video Maker: Blocking People

Blocking People

Have you ever watched a movie and wondered how the actors get their movements down for that scene so well? How their movements seem almost natural? Well, there is a reason for that; The actors not only practice their lines, but they also practice how they move in the scene. This is called blocking. An example of this would be in any movie, but a good example would be in the famous scene from Reservoir Dogs, where Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) tortures this cop (Kirk Boltz). In this scene Mr. Blonde has his favorite radio station on and while it is on he actually dances. Dances while he does something so dark and sinister as torturing another human being. The scene is legendary for many reasons, but of course one of the biggest is the movements. If it wasn’t for Mr. Blonde’s swag filled dancing then it wouldn’t have given you the same feeling. All because of blocking.

I have learned that blocking is essential for scenes, without it the scene wouldn’t be the same, it would look far less natural and therefore it will look fake.- d.p.c

The link to the article is here.