Videomaker Article – March 14th, 2014, By: Jennifer O’Rourke, March Issue 2014 Article Title: Nikon 1 V3 Mirrorless Cameras with Improved AF and Fast Continuous Shooting Announced

In this article it talks about lenses for cameras, and how they can keep sharp focus even on objects that are moving.  It also talked about mirror-less cameras that are lighter, and smaller, plus, they take great footage.  Lastly, this was based on the Nikon, V3, which is the new lens for staying in focus even when the objects are moving.
I learned from this article, the different lenses of cameras, and their effects.  How I could apply this to class is, I don’t think I really could use this in class unless we had those special lenses for the camera.

To read the article, here is the link:

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