Movie Review: Saw

The movie, Saw, is a huge hit for anyone who likes suspense and general crazy. The movie starts off in this bathroom where two people are stuck, unknown of how and why they got their. They both don’t know each other, and eventually find a connection between the two of them. The movie then continues on this huge investigation that has a lot of twists and turns. Keeping the watcher on the end of their sits, and leaving the audience with questions. This movie series reminds me a lot like the television show, Lost. Leaving the audience in this state of suspense and thoughts going through their heads that just make you pay attention for the whole movie. For me, I have trouble watching a movie for the full length, without dozing off once or twice. But, for Saw, I was watching and interested from start to finish. All together, the Saw series is an excellent movie to watch if you don’t mind the nasty scenes and insane plot line. For someone who is use to watching human bunnies skipping through the flower field, then this movie is not for you. There will be some parts where you have to keep a strong stomach. Mainly because the movie is extremely disgusting.

-Awesome Plot
-Crazy twists and turns
-Graphically awesome but also disgusting
-Keeps you on the edge of your seat
4.5 out of 5

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